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Our Services

In Home Visits, Gentle Support, Top-Notch Care

Health education and nutrition counseling

It is our goal to make this special time in your life the best and healthiest possible. We provide you with up-to-date information about the various stages of pregnancy and offer advice on important dietary considerations. We build your birth plan together based on what is right for you.

Mother and Baby on Floor

We refer clients to available community  resources as needed

We provide you with up-to-date information about the various stages of pregnancy and offer advice on important information.

Woman & Doctor

 Ongoing care coordination and

We are here for you during and after delivery with one-on-one, all  trimester support. Our coordinator is available to assist you according to your specific needs.

Doctor Examining Pregnant Woman

Additional Services

We offer and provide support to the entire family

Parenting Resources

We will provide resources for housing, food and life skills

Family Support Groups

To interact with other families that are apart of the program to receive additional support

Child Care Services

Our agency will find the ideal childcare environment. We look for a place where your child will be happy and safe. We want your child in the hands of someone who will stimulate their development and growth

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